Movies About magicwatch online free

Movies about magic belong to the fantasy genre, which explore supernatural forces that remain hermetic to the human eye. In these films the world of magic usually manifests itself through Good and Evil. The protagonists experience both forces through occult rituals. Fantastic beings are essential in these stories. Goblins, fairies, unicorns, dragons, etc., come to life to conceive the most original ideas. Those who love this film subgenre should keep their heads open to the imagination, because therein lies the richness of these films. Films about magic have been aimed at adult audiences as well as children and teenagers. For example, The Illusionist (2006) has a deep story beyond the magic, which has provoked great emotion in adults. The Harry Pottersaga (2001-2022) has been the most iconic of this subgenre, awakening a fanaticism never seen before in children and teenagers. This kind of movies have shown us how physical reality can be manipulated, conceiving a truly fantastic world.