Movies About robotswatch online free

Robots have been entertaining us in one form or another since their conception, and they’ve inspired more than their fair share of movie plots, too. From the Metropolis to the Terminator, robots and humans have had plenty of opportunities to live out their science fiction fantasies (and nightmares). While many films About robots are simply action-packed thrill rides, some go deeper and explore what it means to be human through the eyes of our potential replacements. Robots are quickly becoming a part of our everyday lives, from being a major actors in Hollywood movies to assisting the elderly and the disabled. The way we think about robots is changing as they take on more human-like roles in society. For better or worse, it seems that this is an inevitable evolution for humanity. Technology can be scary to some, but when it’s used for the greater good, it feels worth embracing. We may be different from robots, but at least we have them.