This suspenseful thriller, directed by Doug Campbell, follows the story of Laura Blackwell, a high school student who hires a new housekeeper, Colleen. However, Colleen is not who she appears to be; harboring a sinister agenda, she becomes dangerously obsessed with Laura’s family, particularly Laura's father. As Colleen's behavior becomes increasingly erratic and threatening, Laura must uncover Colleen's past and her true intentions before it's too late. The film is a tense exploration of obsession, manipulation, and the dark secrets that can lie beneath seemingly normal facades. "A Housekeeper’s Revenge" is known for its gripping narrative, psychological depth, and the chilling portrayal of a family under threat from within their own home.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "A Housekeeper's Revenge" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie A Housekeeper's Revenge was released in 2016 and has a duration of 82 minutes. The film has the following age rating: TV-14. Film directed by Darin Scott. In total, there are 8 people on the cast list, includingKathryn Newton as Laura Blackwell and Fay Masterson as Colleen. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.