Account Rendered



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Account Rendered (1957)


This British crime drama, directed by Peter Graham Scott, revolves around the story of Sarah Hayward, a woman who suspects her husband, Robert, of infidelity. When Robert's mistress is found murdered, Sarah becomes the prime suspect. The film unfolds as a gripping whodunit, with Sarah desperately trying to clear her name while uncovering a web of deceit and betrayal. "Account Rendered" is a classic example of 1950s British noir, known for its suspenseful plot, atmospheric direction, and a strong lead performance.

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Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Account Rendered" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Account Rendered was released in and has a duration of 59 minutes. Film directed by . In total, there are 10 people on the cast list, includingGriffith Jones as Robert Ainsworth and Ursula Howells as Lucille Ainsworth. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.

movie Starring

Griffith Jones
Griffith Jones
Robert Ainsworth
Ursula Howells
Ursula Howells
Lucille Ainsworth
Honor Blackman
Honor Blackman
Sarah Hayward
Ewen Solon
Ewen Solon
Detective Inspector Marshall
Carl Bernard
Carl Bernard
Gilbert Morgan
Mary Jones
Mary Jones
Nella Langford
Philip Gilbert
Philip Gilbert
John Langford
John Van Eyssen
John Van Eyssen
Clive Franklyn
Doris Yorke
Doris Yorke
Harry Ross
Harry Ross
Bernard Goodman