Azureus Rising



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Azureus Rising (2010)


Azureus Rising is a visually stunning animated short film that serves as a concept for a proposed full-length feature. The story is set in a futuristic world where a young man named Azureus, who possesses exceptional combat and agility skills, becomes the last hope for a rebellion against a tyrannical regime. After the destruction of his home city and the loss of his loved ones, Azureus embarks on a quest for vengeance against the evil empire. The film showcases exhilarating action sequences as Azureus battles robot adversaries using his acrobatic prowess and advanced technology. The animation is notable for its fluidity and the futuristic design of the characters and environment. While primarily focused on action, the short also hints at deeper themes of freedom, resistance against oppression, and the personal cost of war. "Azureus Rising" is acclaimed for its cutting-edge animation and gripping storyline, making it a compelling piece in the science fiction genre.

Additional Details:

Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Azureus Rising" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Azureus Rising was released in and has a duration of 6 minutes. Film directed by .

movie Starring

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