Poor Cinderella is a vibrant animated short film featuring the iconic character Betty Boop, notable for being her first appearance in color. In this adaptation of the classic Cinderella tale, Betty Boop stars as a downtrodden and overworked servant girl. Her life is one of hardship, serving under the tyranny of her wicked stepmother and stepsisters. Despite her situation, Betty remains kind-hearted and optimistic. Her fortunes change when a Fairy Godmother appears, transforming Betty into a beautiful princess to attend the royal ball. The film is filled with whimsical scenes, including a magical transformation and a grand ballroom dance. The highlight is when Betty loses her slipper, leading the prince to search the kingdom for the owner. The story concludes with a classic fairy-tale ending, as Betty and the prince find each other, ensuring a happily ever after. This short film is a delightful blend of fantasy, humor, and the iconic style of Betty Boop.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Poor Cinderella" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Poor Cinderella was released in 1934 and has a duration of 11 minutes. The film has the following age rating: Passed. Film directed by Dave Fleischer. In total, there are 2 people on the cast list, includingBonnie Poe as Cinderella / Fairy Godmother / Stepsisters (voice) (uncredited) and Jack Mercer as Various (voice) (uncredited). For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.