This drama tells the story of two Marines, Randall and Diego, who are captured and imprisoned by terrorists during their service in the Middle East. The film explores their struggle to survive the brutal conditions and their journey to maintain hope and faith in the face of despair. Upon their release, they face the challenges of readjusting to civilian life, grappling with the physical and psychological scars of their captivity. "Submission" is a moving portrayal of the resilience of the human spirit, the bonds formed through shared hardship, and the long-lasting impacts of war on individuals. It highlights the struggles of returning veterans and the importance of support and understanding in overcoming trauma.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Submission" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Submission was released in 2019 and has a duration of 94 minutes. Film directed by J.M. Berrios. In total, there are 9 people on the cast list, including Darrin Henson as Cowboy and Eric Roberts as Coach Bronx. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.