Directed by Gabriel Pascal, this British historical drama is an adaptation of George Bernard Shaw’s play. It stars Claude Rains as Julius Caesar and Vivien Leigh as Cleopatra. The film explores the relationship between Caesar and Cleopatra, as Caesar attempts to mentor the young and inexperienced Cleopatra in the art of ruling Egypt. The movie beautifully captures the political maneuverings, romance, and witty dialogue between the two iconic historical figures. It's known for its lavish production, eloquent script, and the performances of Rains and Leigh, who bring depth and charisma to their legendary characters.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Caesar and Cleopatra" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Caesar and Cleopatra was released in 1945 and has a duration of 138 minutes. The film has the following age rating: Approved. Film directed by Gabriel Pascal. In total, there are 112 people on the cast list, includingClaude Rains as Julius Caesar and Vivien Leigh as Cleopatra. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.