Comfort is a heartwarming romantic drama that revolves around the life of Cameron, a late-night courier with a penchant for food and a quiet life. His routine is disrupted when he meets Jasmine, an entrepreneurial client who hires him to deliver her late-night food orders. As they spend time together during his nightly deliveries, a sweet romance blossoms between them. Set over the course of several nights, the film captures the beauty of Los Angeles at night and the developing relationship between two seemingly different individuals. "Comfort" explores themes of love, personal growth, and the serendipity of unexpected connections. The film is praised for its gentle storytelling, charming performances, and the picturesque night-time backdrop of the city.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Comfort" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Comfort was released in 2016 and has a duration of 105 minutes. Film directed by William Lu. In total, there are 5 people on the cast list, includingChris Dinh as Cameron and Julie Zhan as Jasmine. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.