This holiday film centers on Shannon McManus, a struggling single mother who works as a chauffeur. On Christmas Eve, she is assigned to drive an eccentric billionaire, Fred Nickells, who has a unique holiday tradition – giving away money to strangers. As they drive around the city, Shannon discovers the joy of giving and the true spirit of Christmas. Meanwhile, she tries to make it home to her son, who is spending Christmas with her ex-husband and his new wife. The film explores themes of generosity, family, and the unexpected ways in which the holiday spirit can manifest. "Crazy for Christmas" is known for its heartwarming story and the joyous journey it takes viewers on.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Crazy for Christmas" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Crazy for Christmas was released in 2005 and has a duration of 90 minutes. The film has the following age rating: TV-PG. Film directed by Eleanore Lindo. In total, there are 6 people on the cast list, includingAndrea Roth as Shannon McManus-Johnson and Howard Hesseman as Fred Nickells. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.