Set amidst the Syrian Civil War, this film follows two Iranian pilots on a mission to save civilians besieged in a war-torn area of Syria. As they navigate the complexities and dangers of the conflict, they face moral and ethical dilemmas. The film delves into the human aspect of war, highlighting the struggles and sacrifices of those caught in the crossfire. "Damascus Time" is noted for its realistic portrayal of war, its focus on human stories within a geopolitical crisis, and its exploration of themes such as duty, compassion, and the harsh realities of conflict.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Damascus Time" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Damascus Time was released in 2018 and has a duration of 115 minutes. Film directed by Ebrahim Hatamikia. In total, there are 4 people on the cast list, includingBabak Hamidian as Ali and Hadi Hejazifar as Younes. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.