Directed by Arthur Crabtree, this British thriller is a story of jealousy, revenge, and deception. The film features Eric Portman as Lee Warren, a man who suspects his wife of infidelity. Upon returning from a business trip, Warren concocts a plan to murder his wife's lover. However, the plan goes awry, leading to unexpected consequences and a series of twists. The narrative is cleverly constructed, revealing the story through flashbacks and shifting perspectives. "Dear Murderer" stands out for its suspenseful plot, strong performances, and its exploration of moral ambiguity and the psychological complexities of its characters.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Dear Murderer" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Dear Murderer was released in 1947 and has a duration of 90 minutes. The film has the following age rating: Not Rated. Film directed by Arthur Crabtree. In total, there are 17 people on the cast list, includingEric Portman as Lee Warren and Greta Gynt as Vivien Warren. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.