This comedy film satirizes the American divorce process and the marital struggles of the 1960s. It tells the story of a couple, Richard and Barbara Harmon, who decide to divorce after a series of misunderstandings and comedic mishaps. The film humorously explores the societal norms and expectations surrounding marriage and divorce, including the legal and financial complications that ensue. "Divorce American Style" is known for its witty script, sharp social commentary, and strong performances by its cast.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Divorce American Style" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Divorce American Style was released in 1967 and has a duration of 109 minutes. The film has the following age rating: Approved. Film directed by Bud Yorkin. In total, there are 23 people on the cast list, includingDick Van Dyke as Richard Harmon and Debbie Reynolds as Barbara Harmon. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.