This action-packed film, inspired by the popular video game "Escape from Tarkov," immerses viewers in the chaotic world of the fictional Norvinsk region, torn apart by conflict and anarchy. The story follows a group of mercenaries as they navigate the treacherous city of Tarkov, battling rival factions and scavengers while trying to find valuable resources and a way out of the city. The film is known for its intense action sequences, gritty realism, and the portrayal of the harsh realities of survival in a war-torn environment. It captures the essence of the game’s atmosphere, focusing on the survivalist and tactical elements that have made the game a cult favorite.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Escape from Tarkov. Raid." film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Escape from Tarkov. Raid. was released in 2021 and has a duration of 65 minutes. Film directed by Anton Rozenberg. In total, there are 12 people on the cast list, includingMatvey Zubalevich as Skif and Anton Lavrentiev as Mike. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.