Last Flight Out is an action-packed drama that combines elements of adventure and romance against the backdrop of a dangerous rescue mission. The story follows Dan Hogan, a pilot with a checkered past, who is given an opportunity for redemption when he's tasked with a critical mission. He must fly into a war-torn South American country to rescue a medical missionary, Dr. Ann Williams, who is his former girlfriend. Dr. Williams has been working in a remote village that is now under threat from local drug cartels and corrupt military forces. As Dan navigates through hostile territory, he is confronted with the challenges of rekindling a lost love while ensuring the safety of the villagers and completing his mission. The film highlights themes of courage, sacrifice, and the power of second chances, as characters are forced to make life-altering decisions amidst the chaos of conflict.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Last Flight Out" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Last Flight Out was released in 2004 and has a duration of 82 minutes. The film has the following age rating: Not Rated. Film directed by Jerry Jameson. In total, there are 10 people on the cast list, includingRichard Tyson as Dan Hogan and Bobbie Phillips as Ann Williams. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.