Let's Eat is a heartwarming tale centered around an immigrant mother and her daughter, exploring their journey through life's beauty and its challenges. Amidst their struggles, they find solace and strength in the warmth and love that binds their family together. In this story, cooking emerges as a poignant symbol of their unwavering love and affection for each other, illustrating how simple acts can deepen familial bonds and provide comfort in times of hardship.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Let's Eat" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Let's Eat was released in 2020 and has a duration of 6 minutes. Film directed by Dixon Wong. In total, there are 3 people on the cast list, includingNora Ng-Quinn as Young Luan & Emily (voice) and Gina Su as Adult Luan (voice). For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.