


Movie tags:
Picchu (2022)


Picchu is a short animated film that tells a heartwarming and visually stunning story set in the Andes mountains. The film follows the journey of a young girl, Picchu, who embarks on an adventure to fulfill her grandmother's last wish. The narrative beautifully weaves elements of Peruvian culture, folklore, and breathtaking landscapes, showcasing the vibrant traditions and spiritual beliefs of the Andean people. The animation style is notable for its vivid colors and artistic detail, bringing to life the rich tapestry of Andean scenery and mythology. This film is a celebration of heritage, the bond between generations, and the enduring power of storytelling.

Additional Details:

Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Picchu" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Picchu was released in and has a duration of 7 minutes. Film directed by .

movie Starring

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