This drama focuses on the life of a young girl named Rain, growing up in the inner city. The story delves into her struggles with her family's dysfunctional dynamics and her journey of self-discovery as she aspires to escape her environment. The film is a poignant exploration of adolescence, family relationships, and the challenges of breaking free from a cycle of poverty and violence. "Rain" is acclaimed for its realistic portrayal of urban life, strong character development, and its emotional depth.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Rain" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Rain was released in 2003 and has a duration of 96 minutes. Film directed by Robert J. Wilson. In total, there are 5 people on the cast list, includingPamela Moore Somers as and Ashley Edner as . For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.