This biographical drama is based on the true story of Nick Leeson, a trader who single-handedly brought down the venerable Barings Bank. Starring Ewan McGregor as Leeson, the film chronicles his rise from a working-class background to becoming a powerful figure in the financial world. Stationed in Singapore, Leeson engages in unauthorized speculative trading. Initially, his risks pay off, but eventually, they lead to massive losses. The movie captures the high-stakes world of financial trading, the pressure to succeed, and the catastrophic consequences of Leeson's actions. It's a gripping tale of ambition, deception, and the collapse of one of Britain's oldest banks.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "Rogue Trader" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie Rogue Trader was released in 1999 and has a duration of 101 minutes. The film has the following age rating: R. Film directed by James Dearden. In total, there are 15 people on the cast list, includingEwan McGregor as Nick Leeson and Anna Friel as Lisa Leeson. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.