The Beautiful Beast



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The Beautiful Beast (2013)


This modern adaptation of the "Beauty and the Beast" tale is set in contemporary times. The film revolves around Isabelle, a self-centered, spoiled woman from a wealthy family. Following a series of events, she finds herself lost in the wilderness, where she meets Jeremy, a rugged, solitary man with a scarred face who lives in isolation. As Isabelle spends time with Jeremy, she learns humility, kindness, and the value of hard work. The story evolves into a romantic drama where both characters learn from each other, leading to transformations both internal and external. The film explores themes of redemption, love, and the true meaning of beauty.

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Today, it is possible to legally stream a "The Beautiful Beast" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie The Beautiful Beast was released in and has a duration of 100 minutes. Film directed by . In total, there are 9 people on the cast list, includingShona Kay as Isabelle Elliott and Brad Johnson as Jeremy Edmunds. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.

movie Starring

Shona Kay
Shona Kay
Isabelle Elliott
Brad Johnson
Brad Johnson
Jeremy Edmunds
Melanie Gardner
Melanie Gardner
Chantel Flanders
Chantel Flanders
Don Cosney
Don Cosney
Lyle Elliot
Garrick Dean
Garrick Dean
Ben Hopkin
Ben Hopkin
Mr. Wilcox
Robyn Kemp
Robyn Kemp
Kymberly Mellen
Kymberly Mellen
Melinda Charleston