The Girls is a classic Soviet comedy that offers a light-hearted and insightful look into the lives of young women in the Soviet era. The film centers around three friends working at a provincial cultural center, focusing on their personal and professional lives, particularly the romantic misadventures of one of them, Tosya. When a Moscow theater director comes to their town and decides to stage an ambitious production of "Swan Lake," Tosya falls head over heels for him, leading to a series of comedic and endearing events. "The Girls" skillfully combines humor with poignant moments, reflecting on the dreams, aspirations, and the social and cultural milieu of Soviet women of the time. It's a charming portrayal of friendship, love, and the pursuit of one's passions against the backdrop of a changing society.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "The Girls" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie The Girls was released in 1962 and has a duration of 96 minutes. Film directed by Yuri Chulyukin. In total, there are 18 people on the cast list, includingNadezhda Rumyantseva as Tosya and Nikolai Rybnikov as Ilya. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.