Set in a strict 19th-century boarding school for girls, this Spanish horror film centers on mysterious disappearances and murders within the school's walls. The story follows a new student as she uncovers the dark secrets and hidden horrors of the institution. The film is known for its eerie atmosphere, suspenseful plot, and psychological horror elements, and it has gained a cult following for its Gothic style and disturbing storyline.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "The House That Screamed" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie The House That Screamed was released in 1969 and has a duration of 100 minutes. The film has the following age rating: GP. Film directed by Chicho Ibáñez Serrador. In total, there are 24 people on the cast list, includingLilli Palmer as Mrs. Fourneau and Cristina Galbó as Teresa. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.