The film revolves around the life of Stanley Walters, a man grieving the loss of his son. His life is at a standstill until he discovers an ancient lamp at a garage sale. Along with the lamp, he finds an inscription promising to grant three wishes. Skeptical but intrigued, Stanley's curiosity leads him to make his wishes, each bringing significant changes to his life. The lamp also brings him into contact with Miss Esther, a kind-hearted woman with insights into the lamp's history. The film explores themes of grief, hope, and the power of belief. "The Lamp" is known for its heartfelt storytelling, its exploration of coping with loss, and the idea that sometimes the most profound changes in life come from within.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "The Lamp" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie The Lamp was released in 2011 and has a duration of 96 minutes. The film has the following age rating: TV-PG. Film directed by Tracy Trost. In total, there are 8 people on the cast list, includingMeredith Salenger as Lisa Walters and Jason London as Stanley Walters. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.