The Pawnshop is a short comedy film directed by and starring Charlie Chaplin, one of cinema's greatest comedic talents. In this silent classic, Chaplin plays a bumbling assistant in a pawnshop, where his antics and slapstick comedy create chaos. The film is filled with humorous sequences that showcase Chaplin's physical comedy, timing, and expressive facial gestures. From mishandling pawnshop items to getting into comical altercations with customers and co-workers, Chaplin's character turns everyday pawnshop activities into a series of laugh-out-loud events. "The Pawnshop" is celebrated for its innovative use of props and physical space to generate comedy, making it a seminal work in Chaplin's filmography and a timeless piece of silent film comedy.
Today, it is possible to legally stream a "The Pawnshop" film for free, without any subscriptions or paid memberships. The movie The Pawnshop was released in 1916 and has a duration of 26 minutes. The film has the following age rating: TV-G. Film directed by Charlie Chaplin. In total, there are 9 people on the cast list, includingCharlie Chaplin as Pawnbroker's Assistant and Henry Bergman as The Pawnbroker. For the full cast list, feel free to scroll below.